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Friday, May 26, 2000, updated at 16:06(GMT+8)

Enhanced Heritage Protection Urged

Enhanced protection of the world's natural and cultural heritage is of crucial importance, according to the National Working Conference on World Heritage which concluded on May 25.

Twenty-three of China's scenic spots and historic sites, such as the Great Wall and the Palace Museum, have been put on the World Heritage list since 1987, said Zhang Xuezhong, secretary general of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.

These sites have high historic, cultural and scientific values, and China has done a lot of work for their protection, the official said.

However, Zhang said, it will be a huge and long-term task to protect and manage them properly.

During the three-day conference, participants exchanged experience on heritage protection and explored ways to solve the existing problems.

The conference was co-sponsored by the China National Commission for UNESCO, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, and the Ministry of Construction.

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Enhanced protection of the world's natural and cultural heritage is of crucial importance, according to the National Working Conference on World Heritage which concluded on May 25.

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