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Friday, May 26, 2000, updated at 08:46(GMT+8)

U.S. Foundation Donates to China's Rural Health Care

The Chinese Foundation (CF) based in the United States announced a donation of 500,000 U. S. dollars to aid health care work in China's poor rural areas.

The money will be used to set up rural clinics, purchase medical equipment, provide health care for pregnant women, and further immunization and tuberculosis control in Gansu, a less- developed inland province in northwest China.

This is part of the CF's efforts to help China's massive program of basic health care service in poor rural regions, which is financed by the World Bank.

The foundation plans to launch TB control work and vaccination campaigns against hepatitis B in 30 to 40 poverty-stricken counties in the provinces of Gansu, Qinghai, and Shanxi in the next two years with the use of two million U.S. dollars.

The Ministry of Health has agreed to cooperate with the foundation in the areas of maternal and infant health care, vaccination, and the prevention of cataracts.

A medical team consisting of foundation members and U.S. specialists will travel to Gansu to monitor the implementation of the project.

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The Chinese Foundation (CF) based in the United States announced a donation of 500,000 U. S. dollars to aid health care work in China's poor rural areas.

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