Bar Coding System Used More in China

China's bar code identification system has been used to label more than 600,000 varieties of goods, according to China Daily.

A bar code, a series of parallel vertical lines or bars used to assign a unique identification code to an item, are widely sued in supermarkets, warehouses and libraries.

With the country's likely entry into the World Trade Organization, China will focus on research and application of automatic identification technology, especially highlighting the use of the bar code system in the health care and textile sectors, according to the Article Numbering Center of China.

The center, a member of European Article Numbering (EAN) international, is currently participating in the EAN General Assembly Meeting, which began on May 23.

Set up in 1988, the center is a special agency which conducts research and development and popularizes bar code technology in China. Since its establishment, bar code use has been extended from the trade sector to the health care, manufacturing and textile sectors.

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