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Wednesday, May 24, 2000, updated at 09:06(GMT+8)

Seminar on Energy Development Strategy in New Century

A seminar on China's energy development strategy in the 21st century was Tuesday in Beijing, with some 120 senior energy specialists addressing the strategy or giving suggestions on China's sustainable energy development.

"China has made remarkable achievements in energy development and energy conservation, and has become the second largest energy producer and consumer in the world," said Huang Yicheng, chairman of the Executive Council of the China Energy Research Society (CERS), at the seminar's opening session.

China's has improved its energy structure and developed a variety of energy sources focusing on clean and high quality energy, he added.

The specialists attending the two-day seminar pointed out that China has to solve a series of deep-rooted problems in the energy sector in the new century, which includes oil import, energy conservation and environmental protection.

They suggested that China pay great attention to the development of clean and renewable energy sources in the 21st century to ensure the sector's sustainable development as well as reduce consumption of coal.

Priority should be given to developing petroleum resources in the 21st century in case of worldwide oil crisis.

In addition, the country should take steps to optimize its regional energy structure and develop a group of key energy production centers.

Some 120 experts and officials from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress -- China's top legislature, the State Economic and Trade Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, the China Engineering Academy, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences attended the two-day seminar.

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A seminar on China's energy development strategy in the 21st century was Tuesday in Beijing, with some 120 senior energy specialists addressing the strategy or giving suggestions on China's sustainable energy development.

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