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Wednesday, May 24, 2000, updated at 09:05(GMT+8)

Liaoning Attracts World's Leading Tyre Makers

The presence of the world's leading tyre makers including Michelin, Bridgestone, and Goodyear has made Liaoning the nation's top tyre production base.

Before the Shenyang Tire Factory joined Michelin in France in 1995, it was on the brink of bankruptcy. In 1998 and 1999, however, the joint venture exported tyres valued at US$22.65 million and US$27 million.

"Liaoning produces almost all of the world's namebrand tyres today," local residents said.

The Shenyang Tyre Factory today boasts an annual tyre production capacity of 4.78 million units.

More investment is expected to flow into Liaoning with the initial success achieved by these top tyre makers. Michelin in France, for instance, set up three more joint ventures in Shenyang in 1997.

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The presence of the world's leading tyre makers including Michelin, Bridgestone, and Goodyear has made Liaoning the nation's top tyre production base.

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