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Wednesday, May 24, 2000, updated at 09:04(GMT+8)

XEROX Adjusts Development Strategy in China

The American XEROX company will produce state-of-the-art digital copying machines in China by the latter half of next year, according to Carlos Pascal, XEROX's deputy executive president.

XEROX is among the earliest multinational corporations to invest in China since the country opened to the outside world in the late 1970s.

The company has opened joint-ventures in Shanghai, Suzhou and Wuhan, and a solely-funded enterprise in Shenzhen. Its products have since dominated the Chinese market.

However, it later began to lose market shares for technology and customer services reasons.

XEROX now is adjusting its development strategy by expanding capital investment and strengthening technological research in a bid to give customers a better product.

Expecting to face fiercer competition after China enters the World Trade Organization (WTO), XEROX plans to build its sixth research and development center in China, Pascal said.

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XEROX company will produce state-of-the-art digital copying machines in China by the latter half of next year, according to XEROX's deputy executive president.

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