Jiang Zemin Inscribes on Badges for Outstanding Cadets

Jiang Zemin Inscribes on Badges for Outstanding Cadets
Chinese leader Jiang Zemin recently wrote an inscription, "Excellent Student," on a badge to be given to such students at military academies and universities in China.

Jiang Zemin is the general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, State president and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

More than 30,000 cadets get the title "Excellent Student" every year and the new badge with Jiang's inscription will be distributed to army schools soon.

The badge is designed to encourage enthusiasm and creativeness among cadets so as to foster more talented military professionals in the army.

On Saturday, a conference was held on implementing Jiang Zemin' s instructions on the building of military academies and universities and on exploring ways to improve ideological work in academies and universities under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory.

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