UN Chief Urges All Parties to Work For Orderly Withdrawal of Israeli Troops

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Monday appealed once again to all parties concerned in the Middle East to work with the United Nations in managing an orderly withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon.

Speaking to the press, Annan said "I think for the first time in 22 years we have come very close to the full implementation of Security Council Resolution 425 of 1978 which will lead to orderly withdrawal of Israeli forces and return of Lebanese authority in the area."

"It is quite clear what the United Nations will do and what our posture is. Obviously right now the situation is volatile and dangerous, but we will verify and certify full Israeli withdrawal and work with the Lebanese Government to restore its authority in the region," Annan said

Earlier today the U.N. chief submitted a report to the Security Council on the implementation of Resolution 425 of 1978 following the notification of Israel received on April 17 that it would withdraw all its troops from southern Lebanon by July.

The report indicates the U.N.'s plans for implementation and the requirements that will have to be met before the United Nations can confirm that Israel has completely withdrawn.

The report also stressed the cooperation that is required from Lebanon and other countries, particularly in the region, so that the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon can be redeployed and reinforced.

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