Magazine Warns Taiwan's New Leader Not to Follow Lee Teng-hui's Step

Outlook, a Xinhua-sponsored biweekly, publishes an article on its May 22 issue, warning the new leader of Taiwan not to take the same disastrous road as his predecessor, Lee Teng-hui.

On May 20, Lee formally stepped down and he also left his post as chairman of the Kuomintang due to his separatist activities that have been opposed by all patriotic Chinese, the article says.

The Taiwan issue should not have been a complicated one, it says, reiterating that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China, which is a consensus for Chinese living on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and is recognized by the whole world.

All countries that have established diplomatic ties with China including the United States have recognized and followed the one- China principle.

The article notes that when Lee just took over power, he also pledged: there is only the policy of one China rather than two Chinas.

The magazine blames those who want to split China for turning the Taiwan issue into a complicated one. These people want to use "Taiwan independence" to interfere in China's internal affairs and to make Taiwan their "unsinkable aircraft-carrier", it says.

Some people in Taiwan, including Lee, want to separate Taiwan from China by depending on foreign forces. Lee has fostered separatist forces in Taiwan, first covertly and then openly. The cross-straits relations remain strained although Lee Teng- hui has stepped down.

If the new leader of Taiwan really cares for the people of Taiwan and does not want to be abandoned by them, he must completely give up the "legacy" of Lee on handling cross-straits relations, it says.

The article reiterates the Chinese government's stance that everything is negotiable as long as the one-China principle is recognized.

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