Internet Gaining Popularity at Chinese Universities

Of China's 8.9 million Internet users, some 1.57 million are college students, accounting for nearly 35 percent of the country's college student population, statistics with the China Internet Network Information Center ( CINIC) show.

A senior at Tianjin University surnamed Meng surfed Internet websites to find his first job, saying he preferred it to the old- fashioned way of pounding the pavement.

Most of his roommates are frequent net users, and together they bought a computer to search for useful data, hunt for jobs, read news, or hang out in chat rooms, Meng said.

CINIC officials said that general information websites, e-mail, and bulletin boards are the most popular Internet destinations for college students. And intranet systems at universities such as Nankai and Qinghua have enabled the students to check the latest research findings in their fields and attend online classes offered by other departments.

Internet browsing has become a daily part of life for most college kids, and campus intranet development is a necessity for all the colleges in the information technology (IT) era, said Li Wenzhen, who oversees Internet systems at Nankai University. He said that high on-line charges and limited equipment in Chinese colleges have held back the wider spread of Internet use in colleges.

A CINIC survey shows that 530 colleges, research institutes, and middle and primary schools have launched their own websites since China entered the dot-com world in 1994.

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