Over 8000 Drug Cases Uncovered in Yunnan Last Year

There are as many as 8005 cases involving drug smuggling and trafficking having been uncovered last year in Yunnan and 10,223 captured, according to Vice Governor Li Hanbai now at a meeting banning drug using in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province.

The last few years have seen a steep rise in the number of across-border cases smuggling drug into Yunnan, especially "ice" drug; measures have been taken to prevent flowing in of drug, the official said.

In 1997 and 1998, police guards in Yunnan confiscated 16.89 kilograms and 18.81 kilograms of ice drug respectively and the number soared to 383.72 kilograms in 1999, 24 folds over the previous two years. The first four months this year, however, have seen 82.5 kilograms of ice drugs having been captured.

Aside from ice drug, 4342.99 kilograms of drugs like heroin and opium and 670.14 tons of chemicals that can be easily turned into drugs were seized last year.

Yunnan is noted with a 3,200-km border with Myanmar, Viet Nam and Laos, lying close to the notorious Golden Triangle.

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