Globalization Forum Held in Beijing

"Globalization Forum-China Marching Toward New Century", which is jointly sponsored by China Enterprise Federation and People's Daily, was opened in the Great Hall of People on May 17.

Over 200 persons including Zhu Xinmin, vice-president of People's Daily, Joseph Nye, former assistant of U.S. Department of Defense and current president of Kennedy Government College of Harvard University, and other Chinese and foreign experts, scholars and entrepreneurs attended the forum.

Zhu Xinmin addressed the opening ceremony. He said that at this special historical moment marking the turn of the century, China's reform and opening program is facing new opportunities and challenges. Chinese enterprises will further participate in global competition. We hope that the forum will provide a platform to widen the range of thinking for a better understanding of the trend of economic globalization and designing of a blueprint for Chinese enterprises to march toward globalization.

During the one-day conference, the participants made a review and a thorough analysis of the origin, historical background, development process and the profound influence of globalization.

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