Annette Lu's Remarks on Taiwan Status Extremely Dangerous

An editorial published Thursday in our daily says Lu has an ulterior motive for emphasizing Taiwan's status on the eve of the new Taiwan leader's declaration of his policies.

The editorial says Annette Lu's statement that "Taiwan is an independent sovereign state," prior to the new Taiwan leader assuming power on May 20, is extremely dangerous.

It is an indisputable fact that Taiwan has been a part of China, and has never been an "independent sovereign state," the editorial stresses.

Taiwan has never been a country, it notes, adding that this has been proved by both history and law.

Since 1949, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have been apart, but China's sovereignty over Taiwan has never changed, the editorial says.

Despite long-term differences, the two sides had a common understanding for quite a long period of time since 1949 that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is a part of China, it emphasizes.

It is based on this common understanding that the peaceful reunification is possible and the two sides can settle political differences through dialogue for ending enmity and realizing reunification as early as possible.

The one China principle concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the interests of all Chinese people, including the people of Taiwan.

"We will never compromise on this point, and we will never give up the one China principle," it stresses.

Taiwan independence elements represented by Annette Lu's statement that "Taiwan is an independent sovereign state" is a blatant advocacy of Taiwan independence, it adds.

"They aim to separate Taiwan from China, and the Chinese people will not tolerate this advocacy," it emphasizes.

At a time when people on both sides of the Straits, as well as the international community, are expecting improved relations, a small number of elements led by Lu still advocate that "Taiwan is an independent sovereign state," showing their ignorance of Chinese history and the law.

"This is a blatant provocation against the one China principle and the entire Chinese people. It also betrays the interests of the people of Taiwan, as it is intended to damage relations between the two sides," the editorial adds.

If the new Taiwan leader adopts Lu's position, dialogues and negotiations between the two sides can not be conducted, and a new crisis will emerge in the Taiwan Straits, which will damage cross- Straits relations and threaten peace and stability in the Asia- Pacific region.

The editorial says the mainland has noticed that the new Taiwan leader has expressed his intention to improve cross-Straits relations.

If he is sincere, he should respect the Taiwan people's wish for peace and stability, give up the position that "Taiwan is an independent sovereign state," and work toward the direction of the one China principle.

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