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Wednesday, May 17, 2000, updated at 17:24(GMT+8)

China to Issue 40 Kinds of Gold, Silver Coins

The China Gold Coin Incorp. will issue 40 varieties of gold and silver coins in 10 sets this year to mark different occasions and events, according to a company official on May 17.

They consist of gold and silver coins commemorating the "Dream of the Red Mansions", a famous Chinese classic novel, Beijing opera, the Year of Snake and so on.

Compared with 66 varieties in 17 sets last year, this year's commemorative coins are considerably reduced.

However, the company will introduce a competition system in a bid to raise the value of the coins' collection, the official said.

The company will also tighten control over the coins' designing, manufacturing, and marketing so as to guarantee an open, fair and just issuance.

In This Section

The China Gold Coin Incorp. will issue 40 varieties of gold and silver coins in 10 sets this year to mark different occasions and events, according to a company official on May 17. They consist of gold and silver coins commemorating the "Dream of the Red Mansions", a famous Chinese classic novel, Beijing opera, the Year of Snake and so on.

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