Industrial Standards for Chinese Agriculture

China will set and revise 2,500 industrial standards for agriculture in the coming five years, according Vice-Minister of Agriculture Liu Jian.

By doing so, China will have new technical standards for agricultural production and marketing, assessment of the quality of agricultural products, development of high-quality agricultural products and imports and exports of agricultural products, the official said at a press conference Tuesday.

The standards will be in line with both China's domestic situation and international practice, Liu said.

"This will sharpen the competitive edge of China's agricultural products in the world market after the country joins the World Trade Organization and increase farmers' income," he said.

The standards will cover the sectors of planting, breeding, fishery, environmental protection in rural areas, the beverage industry, township enterprises and protection of new plant species.

Liu blamed the low-quality agricultural products in China for the lack of an efficient quality standard system, although the country has already set more than national 300 standards, over 900 professional standards and 15,000 local standards for the agricultural sector.

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