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Tuesday, May 16, 2000, updated at 16:10(GMT+8)

China Mobile Develops IP Telephone

China Mobile Communications Corp recently developed a new service of IP telephone of GSM for the consumers of the GSM digital mobile telephones.

The consumers just need to dial "£ª" and the telephone number to complete a long-distance phone call without inputting the complicated card numbers and codes. This service can reach all the local networks and over 200 countries and regions covered by the GSM network. Following is the standard of charge: 0.30 yuan per minute for domestic long-distance phone call, 2.50 yuan per minute for phone call to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, 4.80 yuan per minute for international long-distance phone call.

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China Mobile Communications Corp recently developed a new service of IP telephone of GSM for the consumers of the GSM digital mobile telephones.

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