China to Rule on Website News Release

Rules and regulations to put website news release on right track in China have been in primary shape and opinions are being solicited for making revisions and supplements from relevant departments, according to Wang Qingcun of Website News Management Bureau of China Internet Information Center.

The official made the remarks in an exclusive interview with China News Service. He told things with regard to the rules and regulations will be spelled out in the first half of this year.

The related rules and regulations are reported to pinpoint at China's principal media organizations releasing news via the Internet. News media releasing news on the Internet will have to acquire qualification letters before obtaining ICP qualifications from departments related to the information industry and telecom.

"On the Internet, we also stress the importance of guiding people with correct public opinion", Wang was quoted as saying.

As to news release by private-run websites, Wang made it clear that those that abide by state law and discipline, of high repute, following a correct direction, are valuable supplementary parts to news release of media mainstream in China.

However, he noted that he doesn't agree with websites to directly cover news on their own, though they can transmit news from chief national media after being authorized, which accords with routines of international property rights protection.

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