High-tech Week Bags More Deals

Participants at the International High-Tech Industries Week events in Beijing signed contracts worth US$6.023 billion, about 10 times the average value of previous two sessions.

The value of agreements between foreign business people and Chinese high-tech development zones, companies and research institutes accounted for half the total.

"The high-tech week not only benefited the Chinese high-tech industries but also provided hefty business opportunities for foreign banks, enterprises and scientific and technological institutes," Beijing Mayor Liu Qi said at the closing ceremony on May 13.

"With rich talent resources, high scientific and technological research level and strong market potential, China is expected to provide a promising future for the investors," said participant Christine Hamper, Chairman of board of Hamper Co Ltd.

The high-tech week also featured forums on venture capital, high-tech development zones, preferential policies for high-tech talents, technology insurance and the burgeoning bio-pharmaceutical industry.

About 190 political, science and business figures gave speeches at the 11 forums, which allowed domestic and foreign participants to air opinions and exchange ideas.

Hot topics during the week included technological upgrades of existing products and industries as well as opening China's finance, securities and insurance markets. The discussions attracted attention from people in high-tech industries, government workers and analysts.

A delegation from the French Mayor Association, the president of Canada North Electronics Net Company and the director of US "Leader" magazine's international department expressed willingness to take part in the next session.

Chinese Education Minister Chen Zhili announced that the fourth session is scheduled for next May in Beijing.

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