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Monday, May 15, 2000, updated at 20:36(GMT+8)

Indonesia to Give Visa-free Access to Macao Passport

Indonesia will soon grant visa-free access to holders of passport of China's Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), the local Chinese newspaper of Va Kio reported Monday.

An official with the Indonesian consulate general in Hong Kong was quoted as saying that the announcement would be made officially in the near future.

The Indonesian consulate general in Hong Kong had made an announcement in mid-April that Indonesia recognized the passport of the Macao SAR.

In return, the Macao SAR government announced in early May that holders of Indonesian passport would enjoy visa-free treatment when they enter the Macao SAR.

Since the founding of the Macao SAR in last December, the governments of Singapore, the Republic of Korea and the Philippines have given visa-free access to passport holders of the Macao SAR.

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Indonesia will soon grant visa-free access to holders of passport of China's Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), the local Chinese newspaper of Va Kio reported Monday.

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