Top Yugoslav Official Murdered

Another top Yugoslav official was assassinated by a terrorist Saturday in the northern city of Novi Sad.

Bosko Perosevic, 43, head of the provincial government of Yugoslavia's northern Vojvodina province since 1993, was shot around midday while attending the opening ceremony of the 67th

agriculture fair in the provincial capital, Yugoslav state news agency Tanjug reported.

The gunman was arrested by police on the spot. Novi Sad clinic chief Djordje Janjic said Perosevic, also a senior official of Milosevic's Socialist Party, died around 4 p.m.(1400 GMT) after he was sent to the hospital.

His death was the latest in a series of high-profile killings in Yugoslavia, including that of Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic in February.

The Socialist Party denounced the shooting as a terrorist act, saying it showed how those who carried out aggression against Yugoslavia "are putting their weapons in the hands of local servants".

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