Vice-Premier Meets Guyana Guests

Vice-Premier Qian Qichen met Friday with Moses Verasammy Nagamootoo, information minister of Guyana, and his party.

Qian said that although China and Guyana are far apart geographically, the exchange and friendship between the people of the two countries have a long history.

Guyana was the first English-speaking country in the Caribbean to forge diplomatic relations with China, Qian said.

Since the two countries formed diplomatic ties 28 years ago, bilateral relations have witnessed smooth growth. "The Chinese government has always valued its relationship with Guyana, and is willing to join efforts with Guyana to raise our existing relations of friendly cooperation to a new level," Qian said.

Nagamootoo said the government of Guyana attaches importance to its relations of friendly cooperation with China, and is willing to draw on China's experience in economic development.

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