U.S. Business Community in HK Voices Support for China's PNTR

Richard Kahler, chairman of the American Chamber (AmCham) of Commerce in Hong Kong, will lead a delegation of senior chamber members to Washington D.C. on Sunday to voice their unequivocal support of the American business community in Hong Kong and Shanghai for unconditional Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status for China.

Commenting on the delegation's mission, Kahler expressed the hope to build on the positive momentum of recent weeks as Congressional support for PNTR appears to be growing in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"With less than two weeks before the decisive vote in Congress, I believe AmCham's timely visit will inject a value-added dimension to the heated PNTR debate," he said.

"Our team members, comprising senior U.S. and local business executives of multinational companies and small businesses, will share personal 'on-the-ground' accounts of the merits of this market opening WTO trade accord, which can only be realized if the U.S. Congress approves PNTR for China," Kahler noted.

The 20-member AmCham delegation, which includes three senior representative from AmCham in Shanghai, will be in Washington D.C. from May 15-20.

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