CPPCC Leader on China's Coordinated Development

Visiting Chairman of the National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Li Ruihuan said Thursday that as China is in a critical stage of development, it is all the more necessary to pay attention to coordinated development.

Li made the remark at a luncheon hosted by Canada-China Business Council.

The Chairman recalled that over 20 years ago, China had a shortage economy, with a lot of commodities in short supply and the people had a difficult life.

"Then China introduced the reform and opening-up program and concentrated its efforts on economic development." Li said." Consequently, our economy developed by leaps and bounds." However, Li said that nowadays many of the old problems of uneven development have been eased or addressed, but some have become more striking and some new ones have emerged. The Chairman noted that harmony and coordination become most important in seeking a sustained and fast growth, just like a car running at a high speed which is more liable to accidents if some parts are missing.

"Coordinated development means a proportionate growth and balanced progress," said Li, adding that China must adopt an all-round approach and pay attention to interrelations.

"We must always give consideration to overall, fundamental and long-term interests, instead of partial and immediate interests. We must properly handle various relations, including those between various sectors of the economy, between economic growth and social progress, between population, resources and environment, "Li urged.

"In short, we should seek a fast, sustained and sound economic growth in a coordinated manner," he concluded.

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