Local Lawmakers Trained for Implementation of Legislation Law

To promote the faithful implementation of the Legislation Law which will take effect on July 1 this year, a five-day training program began for local officials in charge of legislative affairs in provinces, regions, and major cities.

Li Peng, chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, told those attending the program May 10 that lawmaking itself should also be regulated by law to ensure that laws are of the people, and the unity of China's legal system is maintained.

Since 1978, which marked the beginning of China's reform and opening up, the national legislature has promulgated 375 laws, in addition to formulating the nation's fourth Constitution in 1982 and amending it three times, the top lawmaker said.

With another 800 administrative regulations formulated by the State Council and more than 7,000 local legislative items, a legal framework with Chinese characteristics has come into being over the years, he said.

The promulgation and implementation of the legislation law is of important significance to the standardization of lawmaking activities and improvement of the country's legal system, he said.

According to the new law, local legislation must never contravene the Constitution and the national laws, he said.

Jiang Chunyun, vice-chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, said at the commencement ceremony of the training program that " there are still many problems such as contradictions between different laws and regulations, and irresponsible law-making out of considerations for local interests."

"These problems not only undermine the integrity and dignity of laws and regulations enacted but also give rise to disputes in law enforcement," he said.

The legislation law provides basic principles in law-making, detailed stipulations on the limits of authority of laws and regulations, the process of legislation and applicable rules. To solve conflicts and confusion arising from conflicting laws and regulations, the law also establishes special procedures for examining laws and regulations to be drafted, and the NPC Standing Committee is authorized to repeal any regulations that contradict the Constitution and related laws.

Jiang told local officials to study the new law carefully and relate it to their own legislative work, in a bid to check specific problems and improve their quality of legislation.

The training program was orchestrated by the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee, and attended by more than 150 officials with provincial and municipal legislatures and governments across the country.

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