Economist Stresses Quickening Development of Insurance Service & Capital Market

Chinese economist Wu Jinglian pointed out at a seminar held in Beijing on May 8 that to expedite the development of insurance services and the capital market and to realize a virtuous interaction between the two is one of the basic prerequisites for guaranteeing the healthy development of China's financial system. To promote the virtuous interaction, the operational method of the financial market should be reformed and the international experience should be used for reference, and new products should be created.

The "Investment-Insurance & Capital Market Development" Seminar, which was jointly sponsored by Chinese and Swedish Insurance enterprises, was opened on May 8 in Beijing.

Swedish experts explained the concept of "Investment-Insurance" and their experience in this regard. They think that the products of Investment-Insurance use premiums as a long-term investment and link insurance to such means as stocks and bonds of different characteristics. The current development of China's economy and financial market makes it possible for the development of this kind of insurance service in China, which will be helpful to a further development of the channels of China's insurance capital.

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