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Monday, May 08, 2000, updated at 08:52(GMT+8)

Any Act to Encroach on Chinese Sovereignty Unacceptable

The Chinese government and people can never accept any act that encroaches upon China's sovereignty, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi said on May 7.

In his remarks for the first anniversary of the U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, Sun again urged the U.S. side to conduct a comprehensive and thorough investigation into the bombing and give the Chinese government and people a satisfactory explanation.

On May 8, 1999, the U.S. bombed the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which caused heavy casualties and serious damages to the embassy building.

Such an act done by the U.S. "is a serious international unlawful act, which gravely infringed on China's sovereignty, greatly hurt the feeling of the Chinese people, and severely undermined the Sino-U.S. relations," Sun pointed out.

Sun said that the Chinese government and people expressed their strong condemnation and utmost indignation over the bombing and such a solemn position and demand has won wide sympathy and support from the international community.

"It must be pointed out that the mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity is the essential prerequisite for the development of state-to-state relations," Sun stated.

He further noted that the Chinese side has consistently advocated for handling state-to-state relations on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence, the United Nations Charter and basic norms governing international relations as defined by international laws. "China firmly opposes any form of hegemonism and power politics," he added.

"The U.S. side should have a clear understanding on the seriousness of the bombing, conduct a comprehensive and thorough investigation and give the Chinese government and people a satisfactory explanation," the spokesman stressed.

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The Chinese government and people can never accept any act that encroaches upon China's sovereignty, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi said on May 7.

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