Wang Daohan: End Hostility under One China Principle

Wang Daohan, chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, lately said differences across the Taiwan Straits should be settled peacefully through dialogue and Taiwan must accept the "One China" principle as a prerequisite for negotiations.

Wang made the remarks when meeting a US delegation visiting Shanghai headed by Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman.

Important talks on issues as concerning China's entry into WTO, cross-Straits ties and enhancing medium and small-sized enterprises' cooperation between the US and China have been held at the meeting.

As to Taiwan issue, Wang pointed out that China has all along pursued the principle of "peaceful reunification, one country and two systems", that has been proved practical and correct in settling the Hong Kong and Macao issues with the UK and Portugal respectively.

The Chinese government will make its own judgement on "president-elect" Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan Province by his deeds, not just by his words; it has been ready to discuss any questions with the Taiwan authority under the "One China" principle, he added.

Wang Daohan stated clearly that he fully agrees with the policy of "Three No's " proposed by US President Bill Clinton and in light with the "One China" principle the two sides across the Taiwan Straits should expand economic and cultural exchange, stop hostility and refrain from arms race. Meanwhile, the Chinese government extends its welcome to various parties and people in all circles embracing "One China" principle in Taiwan come to the mainland for talks on establishing one peaceful and united China, he said.

Dan Glickman said that his visit lately made aims to better know China and enhance bilateral communications and exchanges between the two countries. The delegation also expressed their hope that they can help persuade those congressmen who don't know much about China to change their views by what they have seen and heard in China after they get back to the US.

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