"Overseas/Ethnic Chinese China ABC" Project Launched

Guo Dongpo, chairman of Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council (FAOSC) formally announced April 28 the project of "Overseas/Ethnic Chinese China ABC" starting up in Beijing.

There are as many as more than 30 million overseas/ethnic Chinese living in over 100 countries and regions in the world. "Overseas/Ethnic Chinese China ABC" makes its task to help overseas/ethnic Chinese and their offspring learn Chinese language and familiarize them with basic knowledge about people's life and history and geography of China. FAOSC and World Overseas/Ethnic Chinese Fund have seen to it that "China ABC Popularization Standards" are formulated for winning greater success in helping overseas/ethnic Chinese carry forward traditional Chinese culture and promoting unity among them and their unity with other peoples throughout the world.

A FAOSC official said that from 2001 on China will hold topic tests on "China ABC" in July to August every year in overseas/ethnic Chinese resident countries abroad. All circles of people, non-Chinese ethnic people included if they show an interest in "China ABC", are welcome to attend the test. When any one passes the test he will be duly issued a certificate to represent his qualification. China will organize winners with a top mark score to come on a tour in China and will award scholarship for those who hope to come on a study program in colleges in China.

It is learned that all information relating to "China ABC" will be released on China.com (www.china.com) and can be downloaded gratis. Soon will also a book "China ABC Popularization Standards" be made available for readers in China.

Please visit People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/