Infrastructure Projects Stressed in Ethnic Region

Construction of infrastructure projects has been highlighted to boost the development of agriculture, energy and transport in the central China province of Hunan, which is densely populated by ethnic groups.

At a regular work conference of the province on ethnic affairs held today in this capital city of Hunan Province, officials vowed to accelerate the construction of infrastructure projects in ethnic regions in order to help their economy.

The province is densely populated by Miao, Dong and Yao ethnic groups, most of which live in mountainous areas. Priority will be given to building an irrigation system to facilitate high-yield agriculture.

Research institutes in the province have set up a high-tech demonstration park in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in western Hunan to show local people how to grow high-quality peanuts and kiwi fruit.

At the picturesque Zhangjiajie scenic resort, local ethnic people have been organized into groups to raise milk cows and grow fruit trees.

The provincial government has approved 600 million yuan (about 72 million US dollars) for constructing hydro-power projects in these ethnic regions. Some 900 million yuan (about 108 million US dollars) will be spent on upgrading rural power-grid networks.

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