Forum on Selection of Young Officials Ends

Zeng Qinghong, head of the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has urged greater efforts in fostering and selecting young cadres in order to strengthen leadership of all levels.

Zeng, who is an alternate member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and a member of the CPC Central Committee Secretariat, made the remark here today at the closing of a two-day national workshop on fostering and selecting young cadres.

In his speech, the official urged the leadership at all levels to enroll young cadres who are ideologically and politically sound, well-educated, strong at organizing ability, and meritorious and favored by the public.

He urged the deepening of reform of the cadre system so as to favor those who are young and excellent, and to improve the system by which cadres are selected and appointed.

According to official figures, by the end of 1999, Chinese officials at the county-level and above with a higher education accounted for 82.7 percent of the total, 11.9 percentage points higher than in 1995.

At the same time, officials at the county-level and above under the age of 45 made up 36.1 percent of the total, an increase of 1.5 percent over that of 1995.

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