Taiwan New Leaders Urged to Recognize One-China Principle At Earliest Date

A senior Chinese official has urged the new leaders of Taiwan to recognize the One-China Principle as early as possible so as to bring about a turning point in cross-straits relations.

Tang Shubei, executive vice-president of the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), made the remark Shenzhen Thursday at a press conference sponsored by the " Opposing Taiwan Independence and Promoting Reunification of China" forum.

The two sides of the straits had once reached a consensus on adhering to the One-China Principle and "One China" has been an internationally recognized reality, and a reality resulting from the long development of cross-straits relations, Tang noted. The earlier the new Taiwan leaders recognize the One-China Principle, the more possible it will be to bring a turning point in the stability and development of the cross-straits relations, Tang said.

He said that some people in Taiwan have used words like "peace, " "goodwill," and "harmony." But if they do not recognize that Taiwan is part of China and the One-China Principle, this will lead to disaster instead of peace, confrontation instead of harmony, and hostility instead of goodwill, he stressed. The One-China Principle has resulted in peace across the straits over the past five decades, in the 1987 opening allowing Taiwan compatriots to visit their relatives in the mainland by the Taiwan Authorities, in the increase in economic and personnel exchanges across the straits, and in peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific Region, according to the official.

Adherence to the One-China Principle has brought about hopes and opportunities for the complete reunification of the motherland and the overall rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and has ensured that Taiwan compatriots will share the space, status, and dignity of the great motherland, he noted.

Tang stressed that if Taiwan new leader really care about the interests of the 23 million Taiwan compatriots and peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific Region, they should recognize the One-China Principle without any hesitation.

He reiterated the central government position on cross-straits ties, stressing that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. Cross-straits negotiations are not that between the central government and local authorities, but talks on an equal footing to be held under the One-China Principle.

He cited the 1993 talks between Wang Daohan, chairman of the ARATS, and Koo Chen-fu, head of the Straits Exchange Foundation ( SEF) of Taiwan, and Koo's mainland tour in 1998 as examples demonstrating that the One China Principle will lead to equality between the two sides, dignity and safety for Taiwan, benefits for the Taiwan people, as well as the equality the Taiwan authorities need.

He denied that the One-China Principle means "degrading Taiwan " and "bringing humiliation to Taiwan." This does not conform to reality, he stressed.

The ARATS official also clarified another claim by some Taiwanese who said the two sides had reached a consensus on "One China, different descriptions."

In 1992, he recalled, the two organizations reached an agreement on the description which is clearly listed in relevant documents and newspaper reports. And the consensus between the two bodies must not be altered, he stressed.

Tang went on to say that the Taiwan issue cannot be delayed indefinitely, and the two sides should abandon ideological burdens and reunify as early as possible in order to safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity and the interests of the entire Chinese nation, and to prevent overseas anti-China forces to profit from the separation of the two sides.

In a certain sense, he noted, the "timetable" for reunification is in the hands of the Taiwan side.

"We are going to safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity with our lives and blood," if splittist forces in Taiwan openly declare "Taiwan independence" or "write 'two-state' statements into the 'constitution'", Tang said.

The situation is becoming clearer as the Chinese people in the mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong and Macao have been increasingly unified against "Taiwan independence" and for safeguarding peace and promoting reunification, according to the official.

He expressed his hope that those people for "Taiwan independence" should face reality as early as possible and stop challenging the State sovereignty and territorial integrity of China.

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