Scientist Refutes U.S. Newspaper on Falun Gong

Wang Yusheng, a research fellow in the natural sciences with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), made it clear that Falun Gong is absolutely superstition, not sciencemade in a Chinese newspaper published in the United States.

The newspaper recently carried an article titled "Not Superstition, But Profound Science," bearing the names of some Falun Gong practitioners in the CAS. It claimed to be a "scientific paper" with a dozen references.

Wang said that it is really too bad that the newspaper extols a cult, and the paper used words even more weird than science fiction to demonstrate the "profundity" of Falun Gong.

Li Hongzhi, the founder of the cult, notes that there are second and third layers of our universe, and he himself represents the top layer, while all other human beings are rubbish that have fallen to the Earth; and the Earth will burst regularly.

Wang said that Li Hongzhi does not know the physical and philosophic meaning of the universe at all and cannot provide any evidence for the "other space" theory.

Li denied all the achievements made by Copernicus, trying to drag people's knowledge of the universe into the darkness in the Middle Ages, Wang said.

The article peculated the names of some Falun Gong practitioners in the CAS to spread its own opinions.

According to the article, biological death represents the end, but in fact it is just a natural diversifying process of evolution, Wang said.

Scientists have not said they have all the answers, but they have opened a way to know about the truth through practice. Darwin's Theory of Evolution and other theories on the origin of the human beings are already enough to bury Li Hongzhi's ideas, though they are not absolutely true, he said.

The article said that it is totally reasonable in scientific terms that the practice of Falun Gong can lead to huge changes in the human body, but it did not say how, he said.

Instead, it is a shocking fact that Falun Gong has claimed a large number of lives, destroyed many families, and caused social instability in China.

Wang also emphasized that the cult is a new horror, a most serious harm to people's political and spiritual rights, and a profanity of human civilization.

He expressed his hope that people will not take part in inglorious political activities in the name of a cult, and the media should voice out justness.

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