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Friday, April 28, 2000, updated at 13:21(GMT+8)

China Makes Headway in Household Appliance Production

China is expected to become a world giant in the production of household appliances in the next 10 years.

This announcement was made recently by Jiang Feng, secretary- general of the China Household Electrical Appliances Association in the coastal city of Xiamen in eastern China's Fujian Province. China has secured a foothold in the world's household electrical appliance market, with a total output value of more than 150 billion yuan (about US$ 18.1 billion) in 1999, with exports standing at US$ 4.2 billion.

China exports household electrical appliances to more than 180 countries and regions, including US$ 1.4 billion worth of merchandise to the U.S. last year, the largest amount to any one country.

Washing machines, refrigerators and air conditioners produced by China have made 24 percent, 16 percent and 30 percent respectively of the world's total.

An overseas analysis shows that China has become the third largest household electrical appliances producer in the world, after the U.S. and Japan.

Brand names have become increasingly important part of the country's output, and these include such brands as "Kelong," "Hai' er," "Xinfei," "Gree," "Chuanlan," and "Little Swan."

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China is expected to become a world giant in the production of household appliances in the next 10 years. China exports household electrical appliances to more than 180 countries and regions, including US$ 1.4 billion worth of merchandise to the U.S. last year, the largest amount to any one country.

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