China Asks U.S. to Honor Its Pledge on PNTR

China hopes the United States will take concrete actions to honor its pledge on the issue of permanent normal trade relations, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sun Yuxi said Thursday.

The spokesman said at a press conference that the U.S. Administration has made a solemn pledge when it reached a bilateral agreement with China last year that it will endeavor to pass the PNTR.

"We hope the U.S. side ...will pass the PNTR issue in a timely, clear-cut and unconditional manner," said Sun.

The spokesman warned that if the PNTR issue is not passed, China-U.S. relationship will suffer. In particular, the interests of U.S. companies in China will be affected. It will also be unfavorable for the U.S. to compete with other countries in the Chinese market.

He stressed that the U.S. pledge on the PNTR issue is a prerequisite for the China-U.S. WTO agreement. If this problem is not resolved, the bilateral agreement will have no basis for implementation.

"We are unwilling to see that happen any way," Sun said.

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