China Hopes Talks With EU Result in Early WTO Agreement

China hopes that the upcoming talks between the country and the European Union next month concerning China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) can result in a bilateral deal as early as possible, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sun Yuxi said Thursday.

The spokesman said in a regular press conference that China and the EU enjoy long-term friendly cooperative relations, and have been each other's important trading partner.

"Chinese top leaders pay great attention to the China-EU talks, " he said. "We hope that the two sides can reach a deal as early as possible. An early WTO deal between the two will be good for China and the EU as well."

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) announced Wednesday that at the invitation of MOFTEC Minister Shi Guangsheng, Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy of the European Commission will come again to Beijing for a new round of talks in the week beginning May 15.

China and the EU have had three rounds of WTO talks earlier this year, one in Brussels and two in Beijing. China described the talks as "positive" and "fruitful."

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