Ship-based Anti-Tank Missile Platform Developed in Guangzhou

To tackle the problem that the launch of anti-tank missiles at sea is hard to handle, one division of the Guangzhou Military Area Command has developed the "Ship-based Anti-tank Missile Launching Platform" to train, on the ground, the balance ability of shooters under the situation of waves , with good results.

According to report from the "People's Liberation Army Daily", a simulative training ship was formally put into use as an important equipment for raising the training quality of artillery men of the division. It is reported that the commander of this division, recognizing its importance to enhancing the operational capacity on the sea, timely expanded it to simulative training system of ship-based missiles made up of simulative deck, launching platform, controlling platform, etc. After the system was put into use, officers and soldiers mastered skills of launching ship-based missiles soon, excogitated more than 10 kinds of ways of shooting tanks, armored cars, strong fortifications, and achieved excellent result of hitting the target all the time in the military maneuver.

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