Chinese Software Developers Build Linux Technical Support Centers

Seven software companies, including the famous China Computer Software and Technology Service Company, announced Tuesday in Beijing that they each plan to set up centers to provide technical support and service to Linux system users in China.

The plan, initiated by the China Computer Software Association (CCSA), has received approval from the Ministry of Information Industry (MII) and support from the Intel Corporation.

Chen Chong, deputy director of the department of electronics and information products with MII, said that service is the lifeline of Linux, and only quality service will be able to attract more Chinese people to this software system.

Yang Tianxing, chairman of the CCSA, said that the purpose of the plan is to promote Chinese software development on the Linux platform, which will enhance e-commerce and network construction in China's government and enterprises.

The Linux operating system for computers was invented by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Its source code is open to the public and people can download it from Internet freely.

The Chinese version of the Linux operating systems came into the Chinese market last year and prospered quickly. Experts are confident of its bright prospects due to its predominance in terms of data security, commercial profit, and scientific development.

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