Chinese President on New International Order

Visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin Tuesday evening called for the establishment of a new international political and economic order for the benefit of the people in the world.

"It is the shared aspiration of all peoples in the world to promote the lofty cause of world peace and development and to establish an equitable and just new international political and economic order," he told a banquet hosted by South African President Thabo Mbeki in honor of Jiang, who is currently on a state visit to the African country.

Jiang listed two major issues to be settled in the world, one is to narrow the gap between the North and the South, and the other is to ensure respect for the fundamental right of the people of any country to determine their own fate.

"There would be no peace and tranquility on the planet where we live if rich countries become richer and poor ones poorer, with accumulation of wealth on the one side and greater poverty on the other; and if some big powers indulge in interfering in other countries' internal affairs and pursuing hegemonism and power politics by relying on their economic, scientific and technological and military strength while the vast number of developing countries have been deprived of the right to participate in international affairs on an equal footing and are subject to unfair treatment or even unwarranted bullying," Jiang said.

The Chinese president stressed that the world affairs should be decided through consultation by all governments and peoples in the world, because " only by adhering to this principle, can world peace and development be truly guaranteed."

The political multipolarization conduces to the implementation of the above principle, he said.

However, certain countries or a very small number of them have acted arbitrarily and dictatorially, Jiang said, adding that their acts have constituted an out-and-out violation of the principle."To fight against hegemonism and power politics is a worldwide struggle between pro-democracy and anti-democracy forces," Jiang said.

"As long as peoples in different countries work together, they will definitely be able to have their own fate in their hands and bring about a lasting peace and universal prosperity of the world," he said.

South Africa is the last leg of Jiang's five-nation tour, which has taken him to Israel, Palestine, Turkey and Greece. He also met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the Alexandria city of Egypt.

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