FM Spokesman's Announcements, Comments

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi said April 25 at a regular press conference that the National People's Congress (NPC) of China will quicken the process of ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

Sun noted that the treaty has been submitted to the Standing Committee of the NPC and needs to be examined and go through the legal process.

Sun also said that the U.S. side should take concrete measures to approve Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China in time and without any conditions, otherwise it will greatly harm the interests of American companies in China.

"It's no U.S. charity to China," he stressed.

The spokesman also said that China is seriously committed to carrying out the agricultural cooperation agreement between China and the U.S., and that the careful implementation of the agreement is already under way.

However, he emphasized that a comprehensive implementation of the agreement requests efforts from both sides.

In response to a relevant question, Sun urged the newly-elected Japanese prime minister to take lessons from Japan's history of invasion.

Sun said that China has always hoped that Japan take the path of peace and development, and treat its past history of invasion with proper recognition and a right attitude, Sun said.

"Any responsible Japanese statesman should take lessons from the history by actual deeds and sincere attitudes, so as to win the trust of the peoples that had been victimized by its past invasion, as well as of other Asian nations," he noted.

The Chinese government demands that the U.S. government conduct comprehensive and thorough investigations into its bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, and bring the perpetrators to justice, Sun said in response to another question.

The accountability review results provided by the United States are not tenable and the Chinese government and people found them unacceptable, Sun said.

The U.S. should continue the investigations and provide satisfactory explanations to the Chinese government and people, so as to completely eliminate the negative impact on the issue of Sino-U.S. relations, he said.

China's position on nuclear non-proliferation is consistent and has not changed, according to the spokesman.

Like any other sovereign country, Sun said, China has the right to take measures when its security is harmed, Sun stressed. Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen of the Kingdom of Denmark will pay an official visit to China from May 7 to 14, Sun announced at the press conference.

Deputy Prime Minister Lena Hjelm-Wallen of the Kingdom of Sweden will pay a visit to China from May 7 to 13 at the invitation of Vice Premier Wu Bangguo, Sun said.

Vice-Chairman of the Chinese National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee Toumur Dawamat will lead a NPC delegation to attend the 103rd Session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to be held in Amman, capital of the Kingdom of Jordan, from April 30 to May 6, announced Sun Yuxi.

After the session, the NPC delegation will pay an official goodwill visit to Lebanon , Kuwait and Yemen at the invitation of the parliaments of the three countries, Sun said.

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