China's IT Industry Makes Big Strides Ahead

China's Ministry of Information Industry reveals that in 1999,China's communications industry achieved a business income of 280.3 billion yuan, realizing 32.1 billion yuan in profit and tax. The fixed assets investment was of 151.8 billion yuan, and the sales revenue up to 430 billion yuan with profit and tax amounting to 33 billion yuan in information products manufacturing industry.

According to the incomplete statistics, in 1999, China's telecommunication business achieved a revenue of 243.3 billion yuan, the fixed telephone users came to 0.11 households, and mobile communication users up to 43.24 million. Internet trunk lines and dial-up users exceeded ten million, the Chinese web-sites surpassed 15 thousands, and registered government web-sites at various levels over 2300. The national computer information system established on the basis of public network come up to 86, and IP telephone business achieved a good trial result.

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