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Tuesday, April 25, 2000, updated at 16:23(GMT+8)

Two Senior Chinese Officials to Go on Study Program in Cambridge University

Two senior Chinese officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, PRC will go for a 9-month study in Wolfson College, Cambridge University of Britain. This marks the formal start-up of a scholarship project provided by British Standard Life Assurance Company for Chinese senior officials to go on a study program in Cambridge.

With the support of British Standard Life Assurance Company's scholarship since last October, 6 senior Chinese officials at least from financial departments in China have been helped to go on a study program in Cambridge.

Known as one of the largest mutual life assurance company in Europe, the British Standard Life has set up offices in Beijing and Shanghai and it has applied for founding a joint venture life insurance company in China.

In This Section

Source from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, PRC will go for a 9-month study in Wolfson College, Cambridge University of Britain. This marks the formal start-up of a scholarship project provided by British Standard Life Assurance Company for Chinese senior officials to go on a study program in Cambridge.

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