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Tuesday, April 25, 2000, updated at 09:38(GMT+8)

Chinese Corporation Says it Mastered CDMA Technology

Datang Telecom Technology Corporation has announced it has mastered the core technology of the code division multiple access (CDMA) system.

Datang has developed the IS-95CDMA mobile telecommunications system, the first of the kind with Chinese intellectual property rights, Science and Technology Daily reported Monday in Beijing.

Experts in Beijing said the CDMA system is based on the second generation of mobile telecommunications technology which has larger systems capacity, high-quality communication services and low-cost network building.

The development of the CDMA system has been listed as one of the state major high-tech research projects between 1996 and 2000.

Datang and a state mobile telecommunications lab attached to Dongnan University established a joint development center for CDMA research program.

Premier Zhu Rongji has said that China would continue to use the US-made CDMA systems while still using GSM technology. He made the remarks at a press conference held at the end of the Third Session of the Ninth National People's Congress in March this year.

In a related development, Datang Telecom Technology Corporation exported in March three million newly-developed integrated circuit (IC) telephone card chips to the European market.

It was the first batch of Chinese IC phonecard chips with intellectual property rights exported to Europe.

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Datang Telecom Technology Corporation has announced it has mastered the core technology of the CDMA system.

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