Business Incubators: Cradle For High-Tech Firms

Business incubators have become a cradle of China's high-technology enterprises specializing in micro-electronics, computers, information, telecommunications, bio- engineering and new materials.

Business incubators help early-stage companies, especially those involved in high-tech areas, to cut production costs and shorten the time needed to transform research findings into products. Their services include securing the financing, facilities, consultancy, and human resources for the young businesses.

The majority of high-tech enterprises which are now performing well in China were set up in high-tech development zones and high- tech innovation areas across the country which play the role of business incubators.

China now has 110 business incubators, the third highest total in the world.

China's 53 state-level high-tech areas have so far helped build up 18,000 new enterprises, contributing greatly to the development of the country's high-tech sector.

Shanghai has 13 business incubation centers which have fostered the growth of more than 40 enterprises and are still working toward the goal of setting up an additional 330 firms.

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