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Saturday, April 22, 2000, updated at 10:08(GMT+8)

China Hopes to Deepen Its Partnership with ASEAN: Tang

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said in Beijing April 21 that China hopes to deepen its good- neighborly partnership of mutual trust with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in a meeting with a delegation of the organization.

Briefing the guests on China's views on current international and regional situation and China's foreign policy, Tang spoke highly of the role of the China-ASEAN dialogue in promoting the mutual understanding and friendship between China and ASEAN countries.

Members of the delegation expressed their wish to strengthen exchange and cooperation between the two sides. They reiterated that ASEAN countries back China's peaceful reunification principle and will continue to adhere to their one-China policy.

The ASEAN guests are in Beijing attending the Seventh China-ASEAN Dialogue, a two-day forum co-sponsored by China Institute of Contemporary International Relations and the Institute of Strategic and International Studies of ASEAN.

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Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said in Beijing April 21 that China hopes to deepen its good- neighborly partnership of mutual trust with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in a meeting with a delegation of the organization.

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