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Thursday, April 20, 2000, updated at 09:48(GMT+8)

International Medical Equipment Exhibition Opens in Beijing

The 9th China International Medical Equipment and Facilities Exhibition opened on April 19, with some 2,000 advanced products on display.

More than 200 companies from 17 countries, including China, Austria, Finland, the United States and Japan, displayed the products for diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, rehabilitation, and health promotion at the China International Exhibition Center. The annual event was organized by the Ministry of Health and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade with aims to introduce the latest medical equipment and technology into China while creating opportunities to cooperate with other companies.

China has 5,700 licensed medical equipment manufacturers with 150,000 employees who produce some 5,000 facilities. The sector created 35 billion yuan (4.2 billion U.S. dollars) in total industrial output value last year, according to the China Association of Industrial Medical Equipment.

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The 9th China International Medical Equipment and Facilities Exhibition opened with some 2,000 advanced products on display.

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