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Thursday, April 20, 2000, updated at 10:10(GMT+8)

Top Judge Calls for Better Training of Judges

Xiao Yang, president of China's Supreme People's Court, said that his court will train all the leading judges of high and intermediate courts across the country in three years.

He told a 97-member judge training class Wednesday that it is a pressing and important task to improve the proficiency of judges through training.

Steps should also be taken to set up a scientific and standardized education and training system for judges. Courts at all levels should open in-service training programs that aim to improve the professional skills of judges, Xiao said. "Education and training should help improve the judges' political awareness and their awareness of justice, which should become an integral part of their life," he said.

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Xiao Yang, president of China's Supreme People's Court, said that his court will train all the leading judges of high and intermediate courts across the country in three years.

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