Distance Education in Western China Highlighted

A distance education system is to be built in western China by the Ministry of Education (MOE) following the great west development strategy of China, told news reports from All-China Higher Education West Development Strategy Symposium held in Shaanxi.

MOE will invest 700 million yuan in developing distance education in the west of China, help the area in building an information network and related infrastructure construction.

According to plan, a "Western China Education and Research Network", especially a "China Education and Research Network" (CERNET) is to be built to link up all higher educational institutions, major vocational, middle and primary schools online under a complete education network system in that part of the country. Authoritative sources say it will take China 3 years to bring into being such an up-to-date education network. "Network Education Demonstration Project in a Number of Middle and Primary Schools" will be first launched to make it possible for these schools in western China to make most of distance education in advancing quality education.

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