Pudong to Outshine Singapore and HK

Pudong will outshine other Asian cities such as Singapore and Hong Kong in the years ahead, because it is quickly becoming a major business centre in the Asia Pacific rim, according to a senior manager of Alcatel, a telecommunications giant.

"The judgment is credited to Pudong's good human resources, upgraded infrastructure facilities and solid industrial basis," said Ron Spithill, president of Alcatel's Asia Pacific operation.

When its Asia Pacific headquarters moved to Pudong last January, the company's role in global business became stronger.

"Pudong has more development potential than other economically dynamic cities like Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei and Sydney," he said.

In Pudong, Alcatel has set up its largest joint venture in China - Shanghai Bell which has already supplied 54 million lines of switching equipment to the China market.

Spithill believes that Pudong is the dragon head of China's economy, backed up by a market made up of 1.3 billion people.

Alcatel will establish a global research and development centre in Pudong to support its competition in the world market.

"Investment in Shanghai and particularly in Pudong will be crucial to Alcatel's future growth in the Asia-Pacific region," Spithill said.

The president said Pudong's development exceeds his expectations.

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