China's Top Two Container Ports Perform Well

The handling capacity of China's two largest container ports -- Shanghai and Shenzhen -- increased greatly in the first quarter this year.

That of Shanghai reached 1.18 million TEUs, an increase of 34 percent on a year-on-year basis, according to related statistics. The container port's handling capacity in March hit a record volume of 430,000 TEUs, 110,000 TEUs more than that in the same period of 1999.

During the first quarter this year, Shenzhen reached 816,000 TEUs, a rise of 43.5 percent.

The gross cargo handling capacity of the two ports stood at 48. 6 million tons and 12.06 million tons, respectively.

In addition, the container transferring volume of Shanghai in the first quarter also increased by 60 percent over the same period of last year, thanks to the port's efforts to expand its transport volume inside the Yangtze River navigation system.

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