High-tech Symposium, Recruiting Fair to be Held

To meet the ever-increasing demand for people with high-technology skills and support the development of the industry, a series of activities, including recruiting events and management symposiums, are scheduled for May 7-12 in Beijing, China Daily reports.

Hosted by the China Technological Talent Exchange Center, Beijing Talent Development Service Center and Administration Committee of Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Zone, the recruiting event has attracted more than 100 domestic and foreign high-technology companies.

According to the organizing committee, recruits should be doctors and postgraduates or experienced professionals. Applicants do not need to be Beijing residents.

The government has come up with preferential policies on resident registration and housing for qualified recruits from other provinces or municipalities.

To provide more convenient and efficient service for the applicants, a website (www.jobs.com.cn) will be available during the meeting.

The Enterprise Management and Personnel Resources Exploitation Symposium will also be held in Beijing's China Science and Technology Hall.

Entrepreneurs from world-famous human resources companies are expected to attend the symposium to discuss topics such as talent recruitment and personnel management.

According to a Beijing municipal government source, some 40 overseas Chinese who have succeeded in the high-tech field have been invited to participate in the symposium and recruitment activities.

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